Monday, September 7, 2009

How to Write and Get Your Children's Book Published If You're a Non-Celebrity

Sure, it's frustrating. You work tirelessly on your manuscript, revise, re-write and revise again. You submit to publishers and get a slew of rejections. Meantime, some pop star or athlete gets a big money deal to write a children's book without lifting a finger.

Well, that's the way the world works. No need to get depressed. Just get to work. Non-famous folks get book deals every day. Here's how you can do the same.

Step 1: Master the Rules.

If you’re not famous, your manuscript or query letter takes the same route as the rest of the non-celebrities. It gets plopped, as part of a huge pile, on the desk of an overorked, underpaid, editorial assistant (or a freelance reader). Her job is to dig through the pile of dross and find a few nuggets of gold, and then pass them on to an equally overworked and underpaid editor. The editor then reads through the smaller pile, pulls out the submissions that catch her eye, and brings them to an editorial meeting. If the overall consensus is "yes, this is a book we want to publish", you’re on your way to partying it up with Madonna in the special "Children’s Writers’ V.I.P. Lounge" at the Viper Room.

Buried in that timeline is a bit of bad news and a bit of good news. First the bad news: The editorial assistant sifts out up to 95% of the submissions that arrive. In other words, the great majority of submissions to a publishing house never even make it in front of a person in a position to publish it. Why not? They may, of course, simply be awful submissions, loaded with poor grammar, misspellings and hackneyed writing. They may be the obvious work of amateurs, handwritten on lined paper with childish drawings. Or, and this is where there’s some hope, they may simply get rejected because they’re the less obvious work of amateurs.

More subtle things, such as using single spacing rather that double spacing, or a manuscript whose word count is out of whack with the "norm" is sometimes all it takes for an EA to say "Beginner". Rejection."

So here’s the good news: simply by learning the specific, but not wildly arcane, rules of children’s publishing, you can leapfrog over the madding crowd. When an EA or reader reads a manuscript that comes from someone who clearly knows how it’s done, they’re far more likely to give it a fair reading, and far less squeamish about turning it over to the boss.

So how do you learn the rules? Visit and have a look at the resources available there.

Step 2: Write to the Publisher’s Needs.

The problem with most aspiring children’s book writers is that they have a specific idea from which they won’t budge. To be frank, it’s usually a pretty dumb idea and, even if it’s halfway decent, chances are it’s been done many times already. Look, I know your dream is to write that book about the talking scrubber brush and his sinkside pals, but put the dream on hold for a bit. The single best way to get published is to figure out what publishers want - and give it to them.

Here’s an example: Schools are in desperate need of fiction and nonfiction books that integrate into curricula. Publishers, thus, are desperate to provide said books, as schools are big and dependable customers who are likely to buy directly from the publisher, offering even a better profit margin.

And you’re response to this is..? Hopefully, it’s "Hey, I’m gonna write some books that tie in with school curricula!"

This is just one example - publishers have all sorts of often unglamorous niches they need filled. How to find out? Send for their guidelines and catalog. Often, they’re quite explicit about their needs, other times you need to read between the lines of the catalog to figure it out. But the answer is usually there.

And, seriously, let’s see Denzel Washington try to write an exciting thriller about the passage of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act.

Step 3: Learn to Write a Great Query Letter.

Your query letter (used if you’re sending a few sample chapters of a longer manuscript) or cover letter (used to accompany and introduce a complete manuscript) is your chance to really make the sale. Almost always, it’s a wasted opportunity filled with irrelevance (I’m the mother of three and I’ve always dreamed of writing a children’s book!), pleading (It would mean so much to me to have this book published!) and ludicrous assertions (Everyone tells me I’m the next Dr. Seuss!).

A good query letter is basically this: a powerful sales letter meant to convince a publisher that it is in its best interests to publish your book. Essentially, you need to tell them that your manuscript fits their needs and will sell to their current market and will expand into new markets. Tell them, specifically, how you will be able to deliver readers (e.g. I have a weekly blog read by more than 20,000 parents and my website attracts 60,000 visitors a month) and how there is a defined need for your book and how you will reach the target customers (e.g. There are over a half million foster children in America. These children, their foster parents and foster siblings need books like mine to help make sense of their situations. I will promote my book directly to them through organizations, conferences, newsletters and websites.)

To succeed in publishing, you have to strip away the romantic nonsense you’ve been brought up with and see things as they are. Kids books aren’t published by magical elves. They’re published by business people (albeit, business people who, thankfully, often genuinely love the books they publish). Show an editor that your book will be an artistic and financial success and you’re taking a big step in the right direction. For much more on writing a great query letter, go to To learn about a collection of actual query letters from children’s authors that you can use for models, go to

Step 4: Write to an Underserved Existing Market.

Sometimes the concept of writing to a publisher’s needs can be turned on its head. Perhaps there’s a sizeable, wonderful market that no one is serving and you can convince a publisher that its just the one to serve it. It could be anything - children of interracial marriage, girls who like jazz, boys who play bass guitar, American kids who dig the game of rugby - if there are enough of them out there and are too few books for them to read, you may very well be introducing a publisher to a potentially lucrative market.

Do your research. Talk to trade associations, government experts, owners of websites that serve specific markets or anyone else who can give you some supporting backup on the size of your target group. Search Books in Print for already existing titles that target the group. Speak with librarians and booksellers to get their viewpoint on needs. And include it all in a great query letter.

Step 5: Listen to the Pros.

There’s no need to go it alone. Take the time (and spend a few bucks) to listen to others who have made the journey. Writing conferences, workshops (visit for an excellent one), books and newsletters (such as Children’s Book Insider -- can dramatically increase your chances of getting published by helping you avoid typical mistakes and pitfalls. An eBook such as I Wish Someone Had Told Me That: 64 Successful Children's Authors Give You the Advice They Wish Someone Had Given Them ( is a great example of this sort of instruction. Pay heed to the voices of experience!

Laura Backes is the publisher of Children's Book Insider, the Newsletter for Children's Writers. For more information about how to write children's books, including free articles, market tips, insider secrets and much more, visit Children's Book Insider's home on the web at and the CBI Clubhouse at

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