Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Writing Christian Fiction for Today?s Market

Agent Chip MacGregor had a recent guest post on the Guide to Literary Agents blog that nicely sums up the new breed of Christian/Inspirational fiction. And though he's writing about the adult market, I think his words apply to the children's/YA market as well. I was especially taken with the following points: "...more Christian publishers are releasing generally redemptive novels with more subtle faith messages in place of the overt expository approach....The conversation has largely shifted from one of 'message' to one of 'craft.' "

Writers for children, many of whom can hardly restrain themselves from planting all kinds of messages in their books, need to take these comments to heart. The new Christian fiction for kids is "fiction" first, "Christian" second. It's mysteries, contemporary school stories, fantasy series, sci-fi novels. The characters struggle with all kinds of dilemmas, which may include crises of faith. They learn and grow and use whatever tools they have to solve their problems, which may include prayer, or seeking advice from religious leaders, or befriending peers with strong religious beliefs. The point of the books, however, is broader than imparting a particular religious dogma to readers.

Of course, trade publishers are apt to want more subtle and non-denominational messages than religious publishers. And Christian nonfiction for kids is a different discussion entirely. But if you want to write Christian fiction for children or teens, study some of the books on these lists to see just how important it is to layer the message under a good story.

Inspirational and Religious Fiction for Children

Christian Fiction for Children

Interested in learning how to write a book and send it to children's book publishers? Come on over to The CBI Clubhouse for audios, videos, insider writing tips and much, much more!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your recommendations for writers. I guess you might want to take a look at this Christian music-and-narratice CD for kids: www.PetersHeart.com. I think it's interesting how they blend traditional and contemporary elements.
